There are some remarkable collections or clusters of stars visible to the naked eye, of these the Pleiades are probably the best known. To ordinary eyesight 6 stars are visible, but Möstlin, Kepler’s tutor, is said to have seen 14 with the naked eye, and some observers in modern times have seen 11 or 12. Other naked-eye clusters are the Hyades in Taurus, called Palilicium by Halley, and the Præsepe, or Bee-Hive in Cancer. Of larger groups, the Plow or Great Bear, Cassiopeia’s Chair, and Orion are probably known to most people.
Many of the lucid stars are double, that is, consist of two components, but most of these are only visible in powerful telescopes. There are, however, a few objects visible to the naked eye as double, and these have been called “naked-eye doubles,” although not strictly double in the correct sense of the term.
Ptolemy applied the term double to the star ν Sagittarii, which consists of two stars separated by a distance of fourteen minutes of arc, or about half the apparent diameter of the moon. According to Riccioli, Van der Hove saw two naked-eye doubles, one in Capricornus, 5 to 5½ minutes distant, and the other in the Hyades, 4½ or 5 minutes apart. The one in Capricornus was probably α, and the one in the Hyades θ Tauri. The middle star in the tail of the Great Bear, or handle of the Plow, has near it a small star, Alcor, which to many eyes is distinctly visible without optical aid. The famous Belgian astronomer, Houzeau, who seems to have had excellent sight, saw the star χ Tauri double, and 51 and 56 Tauri separated, also ι Orionis, and others.
Thursday, November 7, 2024