With reference to the distribution of the lucid stars in the sky there seems to be a well-marked tendency to congregate on the Milky Way. It is a remarkable fact that of the 15 brightest stars in the heavens, no less than 11 lie on or near the Milky Way, although the space covered by the Galaxy does not exceed one-fifth or one-sixth of the whole sky. From a careful enumeration of the stars in or near the Milky Way which I made some years ago, I found that of stars brighter than the fourth magnitude there are 118 on the Milky Way out of a total of 392, or about 30 per cent. From the Southern catalogue known as the Uranometria Argentina, Colonel Markwick, F.R.A.S., found 121 out of 228 stars to fourth magnitude, or a percentage of 53 per cent. These results seem to show some intimate relation between the lucid stars and the Galaxy.
Thursday, November 7, 2024